CV Merijn Bolink

Merijn Bolink studied at the Academie voor Kunst en Industrie (AKI) in Enschede from 1987 – 1992. He received the  Charlotte Köhler Stipendium (Beeldende Kunst)in 1997  from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. His works have been exhibited a.o. in the Groninger Museum, the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, the Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen, the Kunsthal Rotterdam, the Post Gallery in Los Angeles and the Kunstraum Düsseldorf in Düsseldorf.

Exhibitions (selection)

Art Rotterdam solo (2021) LANGart
Galerie Fons Welters
Galerie Ton de Boer
Groninger Museum
Kunstraum Düsseldorf
Kunstvereniging Diepenheim
Museum van Loon, De Vishal (Haarlem)

Amsterdam Public Art Award
Mid America Arts Alliance Award
Charlotte Köhler Award.

Works in public spaces:
  • De tolgaarder (1995), Woonbuurt De Tol, Deventerweg in Apeldoorn
  • Bouillabaisse (1999), Psychiatrisch Centrum Bloemendaal Monsterseweg in Den Haag
  • Man en schaap – Fontein met schaap en Otto Schaap (2003), Zeeburgerdijk in Amsterdam
  • No title – Monkeys at the table (2005), Zoutkeetsplein in Amsterdam
  • No title (2008), two windows with books in epoxywax at LUMC, Leiden
  • DNA Boom (2008/09), Raadhuislaan in Diever
  • De Poort van Enschede (2009), Havengebied, Hendrik ter Kuilestraat in Enschede
  • Snoepman in boot (2014), Wijkpark Risdammerhout, Hoorn. The title of the work was not chosen by Merijn Bolink.